
Heroin/Opiate replacement

Heroin is one of the most addictive drugs there is leading to short and long-term risks to your physical and mental health.  

The seriousness of heroin addiction makes treatment a vital part of any user’s recovery, and long-term mental cravings make it imperative to stay in recovery long-term. The stigma associated with heroin addiction leads to severe social isolation & usually results in habitual crime to fund the insatiable habit.

We believe strongly that opiate replacements such as methadone and subutex are only a short-term measure, and our rule is that any client must be clean of these replacements 6 weeks after starting our program. All clients on Opiate replacements will be supported through their 6 weeks reduction. Our reduction plan has been immensely successful and has changed clients’ lives, some of who had relied on methadone for decades. We make the reduction as stress-free as possible. 

Heroin and opioid addiction is usually something that a client has endured for many years and the thought of a drug-free life can seem scary and even unattainable, but this is far from the truth. So many people came to us with the same skepticism but that changed, and they now enjoy amazing lives heroin free.

Lee came to Reflections 2 years ago “I came here on methadone and I was addicted to heroin since the age of 17. Reflections House freed me firstly from my methadone reliance, then from the obsession to use drugs. I am totally free now”

James began using heroin aged 15 “Being free of the obsession is beyond my wildest dreams, something I never thought possible. I had no hope, thought I was stuck in addiction for life”. James is now over a year clean.

Drew had a heroin habit from the age of 18 & came off methadone through Reflections methadone reduction plan “I feel I’m definitely free of the obsession to use drugs. I feel free, serene, and at peace. Reflections taught me how to work a program, understand my addiction, and gave me the tools to cope with everyday life”


Cocaine is as destructive as any other drug, and socially more acceptable than heroin due to high exposure to football culture & film glorification, the health hazards are frightening – high blood pressure, risk of stroke, heart attack, brain damage, mental health problems, paranoia, and nasal collapse.

Cocaine is extremely expensive and of low quality increasing health risks. It can start as a social practice but easily turn into a devastating addiction.

We work frequently with victims of cocaine addiction and the principles of recovery are the same as sufferers of any other drug. It’s imperative that people seek help and guidance as soon as possible to avoid further health deterioration. Our success rate with cocaine addiction is high and we can assist anyone trying to tackle this ruinous affliction.

Brandon who is still only 21 first tried cocaine when he was 16 years old “I was almost instantaneously hooked & things got bad quickly, being free of addiction is amazing. Reflections took me through the 12 steps and showed me there is a life without drugs”

Ewan tried crack cocaine at 18 & would later succumb to the addiction, after coming to Reflections Ewan in his words feels “On top of the world, I was just at a stage where all I did was wonder where my next pipe was coming from. Reflections have helped me piece my mind back together and I am now full of serenity and gratitude”

Chino used cocaine & alcohol from the age of 15 “I became reliant on drink & drugs for a long time, it was soul destroying. Being free of drugs and alcohol feels fantastic. I couldn’t have done it without this place, the staff, the lads”

Other drugs (ketamine, cannabis, spice, prescribed medication, etc)


One drug on the rise is ketamine and the detriment to the user’s health is rapid and scary. Ketamine causes the user to become heavily sedated and euphoric causing hallucinations and a feeling of being detached from reality. This is a dangerous state of mind regarding the effect on the brain and nervous system. This type of drug is difficult to stop as it is a form of psychological escape from life’s problems and its insidious allure is that it is a comprehensively good painkiller. The damage it does to the bladder & other parts of the body is hidden by its anaesthetic properties. It’s unfortunately very cheap to buy which makes its street value and distribution more inviting.

We deal with and have worked with many clients suffering from this addiction and all drug addictions can be treated in the same way regardless of what that substance is – a solid 12-step-based recovery program, peer lead support, counselling, education, fellowship, self-awareness & education.

Aaron came to Reflections in a sorry state with a ketamine habit that began when he was 18 “Thanks to Reflections I don’t feel I’m imprisoned in my own mind anymore. It’s a place of safety & support”

Shaun used ketamine from the age of 16 and feels relieved to be no longer obsessed with using drugs “I’m loving life now, that’s thanks to Reflections and the 12 steps program”


Cannabis is detrimental to the user’s organs, especially the respiratory system and the heart (the same hazards associated with tobacco) but also just as alarming is the effect on a user’s mental health. Depression and anxiety disorders are synonymous with smoking cannabis unfortunately, isolation and a detachment from society can follow.

What starts as a social thing with friends, having a laugh can soon turn dour and the user can feel they cannot function without a joint. Like any addiction cannabis becomes number 1 – “Above everything else” and the negative consequences on the user’s mental health are ignored for that perceived short-term relief.

Kurt had an amphetamine addiction from 17 “I feel a freedom now thanks to Reflections, a freedom from the drug. There was a time I couldn’t do anything without using amphetamines and the toll on my mental health was horrendous. I feel I have my mind back, my life back”

Prescription medications

People tend to believe if you are prescribed medication from a GP for example then it’s safe and fine, but this is not always the case. An individual can become reliant on whatever this pharmaceutical substance is. What begins as a short-term measure to relieve pain or aid with trouble sleeping can become a major issue.

The act of swallowing a tablet can trigger the reward centre in the brain and release dopamine. The body may crave the perceived pain relief, or you may believe you cannot sleep or function without a certain medication. 

The basis of this addiction mirrors any other- short-term relief of a long-term problem, ignoring the long-term consequences. The behaviour tragically duplicates that of street drug addiction. Lies, manipulation, obsession, and declining mental & physical health ensue. 

The good news is any addiction is treatable and we deal with an ever-widening spectrum of addictions day in and day out.

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