
Gambling is an impulse-control disorder meaning you cannot control the impulse to Gamble even when its effect on you and your loved ones is negative.

Gambling is a progressive addiction that has many negative, physical, and social repercussions and sufferers have a high rate of suicide ideation and attempts.

Usually, services would ask you to fill out a questionnaire to reveal whether you have a problem. Ask yourself;

  • Do you bet more than you can afford to lose?
  • Do you need to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling?
  • Have you tried to win back money you have lost (chasing losses)?
  • Have you borrowed money or sold anything to get money to gamble?
  • Have you wondered whether you have a problem with gambling?
  • Has your gambling caused you any health problems, including feelings of stress or anxiety?
  • Have other people criticised your betting or told you that you had a problem with gambling (regardless of whether or not you thought it was true)?
  • Has your gambling caused any financial problems for you or your household?
  • Have you ever felt guilty about the way you gamble or what happens when you gamble?

Gambling is chasing a dopamine hit, a high, this fleeting high is the addictive part. A temporary feeling of excitement and escape.

Certain services have had success with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), but we believe that finding the root cause of why an individual feels the need to gamble to excess in the first place is the best way to start the process of treatment. Why does the person need to fill their existence with short-term escapism ignoring the disastrous consequences? What is missing from your life to seek such frivolous chaos?

The 12-step program in tandem with counselling is the way we treat any addiction and Gambling is no different.

Gambling can fall into the category of Impulse control disorder meaning you cannot control the impulse to gamble even when its effect on you and your loved ones is negative. ICD involves not being able or equipped to resist a temptation, urge or impulse. It is commonly associated with substance and alcohol problems also.

The 12 step program in tandem with counselling is the way we treat any addiction and Gambling is no different.

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