
We help you reintegrate into society by getting further education & training. As well as more conventional training for learning trades & functional maths, we try to find whatever course you desire. We have strong ties with local colleges and education hubs.

A lot of our clients have little or no education, but this should not be a barrier. Through lived experience, our clients possess valuable skills, especially applicable to social care, youth work, and crime prevention. We try to utilise and nurture these valuable assets. All further education continues alongside our extended care.

After breaking the shackles of addiction anything is possible, whatever an individual wants to achieve we aid in every way we can. Some of our clients with a previous history of gainful employment desire a career change, and some never had the opportunity for higher education and now wish to pursue a better standard of life. We are here to help realise those aspirations.

Employment Support
You are supported throughout your endeavours to gain employment and reignite your future prospects. We run and organise support groups that include budgeting, life skills, CV writing, and interview skills and everyone is assigned a mentor to support them through the process. The mentor assists with well-being, emotional resilience, empowerment, assertiveness, and confidence. Any route of employment our clients wish to take we can give them our full support and whatever resources they need. If it’s a completely new vocation you wish to pursue or a dream you wish to fulfil, then we try to help you realise that dream. Breaking free of addiction opens so many doors of opportunity and ambition.

Lee who spent years in addiction and without gainful employment says ” Reflections gave me the confidence to start working. I thought after years of doing nothing no one would employ me but that was not the case”.

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