
Physical activity in tandem with our other therapies has proven to make clients in recovery stay in treatment for longer.

We offer numerous sporting activities;

  • football – internal/external;
  • cricket – internal/external;
  • table tennis – internal;
  • snooker – internal;
  • indoor rock climbing/bouldering – external;
  • bike riding – external;
  • walking – external;
  • hiking – external;
  • boxercise – internal;
  • boxing – internal;
  • badminton – internal/external;
  • paddle boarding-external;
  • scenic trips to the coast and countryside of the UK – external.

This also helps clients develop team spirit, fellowship, and camaraderie as well as regain their physical health. Physical fitness is so pivotal to attaining well-being and mental health stability. The long-term effects of drug misuse are well documented, and we attempt to reverse that damage.

Sport can be such a relieving experience and a welcome respite from the challenges of addiction rehabilitation, as well as a great accompaniment. We are passionate about improving your physical and mental health and take sports and exercise seriously. We have a dedicated team who facilitate our sports programs, as well as search for more exciting events, excursions, and ideas. We also work with local sports clubs and associations to encourage you to get involved.
Some of our clients have never felt ‘Part of something’. Sport is a great way of gaining that feeling and acceptance as a part of the team.

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